Terra Madre Day – Grandma Mariuca’s Delicacy - 13th December 2011

10th December 2011- was celebrated by Slow Food Bran-Moeciu Convivium by organizing a competition-Taste Adventure. Students from the National College Unirea were the main competitors.
They had to use their senses to identify the main ingredients of cozonac-Grandma Mariuca’s delicacy. They had the opportunity to watch the documentary “To the origins of taste”, to play an interesting game-Slow Darts, as well as to participate in a debate.
In the end, they tasted fresh cozonac and they received special prizes and diplomas.
10 decembrie 2011-Terra Madre a fost celebrata de Slow Food Bran-Moeciu, prin organizarea unei competitii-Taste Adventure. Elevii clasei a-v-a de la Colegiul National Unirea Brasov, au fost principalii participanti.
Copii au trebuit sa rezolve mai multe probe cu ajutorul celor cinci simturi, identificand cateva ingrediente-cheie din reteta cozonacului. De asemenea, ei au vizionat un filmulet tematic “ To the origins of taste si s-au implicat activ in dezbaterea organizata.
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