Honey is nature's natural sweetener, and so easy to use - giving an instant boost to your energy levels. We've come up with quick and simple ways to incorporate honey into all your meals:
- Just spread on piping hot toast - be as generous as you like!
- Natural yoghurt is a healthy start, but can be turned into a real treat with a teaspoon of runny honey stirred in.
- Fresh bread, sliced and buttered with a layer of beautiful set honey - a simple sandwich that is delicious and quick anytime, especially if you're on the run.
- For a tried and trusted drink to soothe your cold, put a good teaspoon of honey in a mug, add a slice of lemon with a clove or two, top up with very hot water and drink.
- If you are making pancakes, try using honey instead of syrup or sugar for a natural alternative.
- Using honey in your tea or coffee instead of sugar is a good idea - honey is sweeter than sugar so you need to use less, and it's lower in calories too.
- For a sauce that's not a sauce, top ice cream with honey - a scrummy extra that's no effort.
- To make a speedy pudding, just slice up a banana and drizzle with honey.
- When you need an instant boost to your energy levels, a teaspoon of honey has a great effect - tastes good too!
Mierea este un indulcitor natural si este atat de usor de folosit, dandu-va imediat energie. Mai jos gasiti cateva idei simple si gustoase pentru a va indulci mesele de zi cu zi.
- Intindeti miere pe o felie de paine proaspat prajita - puteti pune cata doriti;
- Iaurtul natural este un mod sanatos de a va incepe ziua, dar daca adaugati o lingurita de miere in el il puteti transforma intr-un mic deliciu;
- Painea proaspata unsa cu putin unt si cu multa miere este un sandwich rapid si gustos in orice moment al zilei, mai ales atunci cand va grabiti;
- O bautura de incredere care va vine in ajutor in caz de raceala poate fi preparata dintr-o lingurita buna de miere, o felie de lamaie si apa foarte fierbinte;
- Atunci cand faceti clatite, incercati sa folositi miere in locul zaharului sau al siropului, o alternativa sanatoasa;
- Este o idee buna sa folositi miere in loc de zahar pentru a va indulci cafeaua sau ceaiul - este mai dulce decat zaharul, deci veti folosi mai putina, dar are de asemenea si mai putine calorii;
- Pentru a desavarsi desertul vara, puteti pune miere peste inghetata, obtinand astfel un sos irezistibil;
- Pentru a face o budinca rapida pentru copii, puteti pasa o banana si sa o amestecati cu miere;
- Cand aveti nevoie de un mic impuls care sa va dea energie, luati o lingurita de miere - are de asemenea un gust deosebit!
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