EUROCARTA- Association for European Integration
Organising activities for children and adults- European Integration, Child Rights and Slow Food
Friday, 28 October 2011

- 170 g honey
- 120 g brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 200 g shortening
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla
- 250 g sifted flour
- 150 g walnuts or hazelnuts
- 170 g miere
- 120 g zahar brun
- 1 ou
- 200 g unt sau margarina
- 1 linguruta de esenta de vanilie
- 250 g faina
- 150 g nuci sau alune de padure
Monday, 17 October 2011

Honey is nature's natural sweetener, and so easy to use - giving an instant boost to your energy levels. We've come up with quick and simple ways to incorporate honey into all your meals:
- Just spread on piping hot toast - be as generous as you like!
- Natural yoghurt is a healthy start, but can be turned into a real treat with a teaspoon of runny honey stirred in.
- Fresh bread, sliced and buttered with a layer of beautiful set honey - a simple sandwich that is delicious and quick anytime, especially if you're on the run.
- For a tried and trusted drink to soothe your cold, put a good teaspoon of honey in a mug, add a slice of lemon with a clove or two, top up with very hot water and drink.
- If you are making pancakes, try using honey instead of syrup or sugar for a natural alternative.
- Using honey in your tea or coffee instead of sugar is a good idea - honey is sweeter than sugar so you need to use less, and it's lower in calories too.
- For a sauce that's not a sauce, top ice cream with honey - a scrummy extra that's no effort.
- To make a speedy pudding, just slice up a banana and drizzle with honey.
- When you need an instant boost to your energy levels, a teaspoon of honey has a great effect - tastes good too!
- Intindeti miere pe o felie de paine proaspat prajita - puteti pune cata doriti;
- Iaurtul natural este un mod sanatos de a va incepe ziua, dar daca adaugati o lingurita de miere in el il puteti transforma intr-un mic deliciu;
- Painea proaspata unsa cu putin unt si cu multa miere este un sandwich rapid si gustos in orice moment al zilei, mai ales atunci cand va grabiti;
- O bautura de incredere care va vine in ajutor in caz de raceala poate fi preparata dintr-o lingurita buna de miere, o felie de lamaie si apa foarte fierbinte;
- Atunci cand faceti clatite, incercati sa folositi miere in locul zaharului sau al siropului, o alternativa sanatoasa;
- Este o idee buna sa folositi miere in loc de zahar pentru a va indulci cafeaua sau ceaiul - este mai dulce decat zaharul, deci veti folosi mai putina, dar are de asemenea si mai putine calorii;
- Pentru a desavarsi desertul vara, puteti pune miere peste inghetata, obtinand astfel un sos irezistibil;
- Pentru a face o budinca rapida pentru copii, puteti pasa o banana si sa o amestecati cu miere;
- Cand aveti nevoie de un mic impuls care sa va dea energie, luati o lingurita de miere - are de asemenea un gust deosebit!
Prichindeii Savureaza!
Taste education workshops
Together we can create a healthy environment!
Eurocarta Association launched on Children’s Day the “ Prichindeii Savureaza! “ campaign. This is a project implemented in cooperation with Slow Food Ínternational, Hornbach and the Association of Educators in Romania and it takes place in Brasov.
The main objective is to create an interlinked relationship between different stakeholders for a better environment based on the importance of eating good, clean and fair food. This will involve children, parents, educators, hypermarkets and the local community
Eurocarta Association began the implementation of activities twice a month, concentrated on workshops for taste education, visits from the producers and to producers from Brasov’s area, as well as cooking sessions for children and their parents at Palamari’s Cultural Centre or at the producer’s location.
The activities target children aged between 3 and 7. Each activity will have a particular theme (an organic, healthy and tasty aliment such as honey, yoghurt or gingerbread) that will be changed every two months, when all groups have participated in this activity.
A producer will be invited at the no. 26 Junior Kindergarten to tell the kids interesting things about various kinds of natural products, using pictures and short films in order to make the information easier to understand.
This way, the little ones will learn more about that aliment while having fun reciting poems and playing, also enriching their knowledge about healthy food and alimentation, the objective of “Prichindeii Savureaza!” project.
Eurocarta association aims to expand the parteners’network among producers, hypermarkets and local companies, as well as the involvement of as many kindergartens from Brasov as possible.
If you want to support the “Prichindeii Savureaza” campaign or you want to know more information, contact us at
Monday, 10 October 2011
Campania “Prichindeii Savureaza”
Ateliere de educatie a gustului
Slow Food-Bun.Curat.Just
7 octombrie 2011
Impreuna putem crea un mediu de viata sanatos!
Asociatia Eurocarta a lansat la 1 iunie 2011, de ziua copilului,campania “Prichindeii savureaza!” Aceasta este un proiect pilot implementat in colaborare cu Slow Food International, Hornbach si Asociatia Educatoarelor din Romania si se desfasoara in Brasov.
Obiectivul campaniei este constientizarea responsabilitatii si legaturii interdependente dintre copii, parinti, hypermarketuri si comunitatea locala pentru crearea unui mediu sanatos.
Pe 7 octombrie 2011, Asociatia Eurocarta va incepe implementarea unor activitati bilunare, concentrate pe ateliere de educatia gustului, vizite la producatori si de la producatori din zona Brasovului, precum si sesiuni de gatit pentru copii si parinti la Palamari’s Cultural Center si la sediile partenerilor proiectului.
La prima activitate din acest an scolar, vor participa copii din grupa pregatitoare a Gradinitei Junior Nr. 26 din Brasov, avand ca tema mierea-un aliment gustos, benefic si pe placul micutilor.
Un producator de miere –Dl Nagy Gabor- va fi invitat la Gradinita 26, pentru a le povesti micutilor despre stupul albinelor si viata acestora, despre modul in care ele fac mierea si va prezenta cateva filmulete tematice.
Copii vor afla cu aceasta ocazie lucruri noi si interesante despre miere,jucandu-se si recitand poezii, dar isi vor imbogati si cunostiintele despre alimentatia sanatoasa care este sustinuta de proiectul „Prichindeii Savureaza”.
Asociatia Eurocarta isi propune dezvoltarea retelei de parteneri din randul producatorilor, hypermarketurilor si firmelor din Brasov, cat si implicarea a cat mai multor gradinite din Brasov.
Daca doriti sa sustineti Campania “Prichindeii savureaza!” sau doriti mai multe informatii contactati-ne pe adresa de e-mail .