National Conference “European Schools for Healthy Food”
Eurocarta and Slow Food Convivium Bran-Moeciu organized on 25th March 2011, in Brasov, the National Conference “European Schools for Healthy Food”.
The main objectives of this conference were promoting the project “European Schools for Healthy Food”, exchanging experiences, know-how and good practices. "European Schools for Healthy Food" was initiated by Slow Food International and funded by the European Commission – DG Agriculture and Rural Development.
The agenda of the conference included presentations, debates, video materials on taste education and a traditional cheese tasting (branza de burduf). The main topics discussed were “European Schools for Healthy Food” (Slow Food International), activities of taste education for children and adults (initiated and implemented by Eurocarta and Palamari’s Cultural Center), promotion of a healthy life-style for the whole family (Asociatia Emovere, Slow Food Tara Barsei and Gradinita Heidi) and selling food – a responsible action ( Banacia Veche and Presidium Branza de Burduf)
Representatives of schools, kinder gardens, press, related firms, NGOs and local producers participated to the national conference.
As a result of the debates the participants agreed on the initiation of a common project to promote a healthy life style for children and adults.